Month: December 2013


2013 in Review

It’s amazing to look back on 12 months and see how small accomplishments add up.  So here’s to Asana Alphabet’s yoga for kids achievements, mainly to give thanks to all of the great teachers we have serving youth and school teachers.

 —Asana Alphabet’s first “long” training at Synergy Yoga takes off resulting in yoga class for kids in Miami, Ft. Lauderdale and to as far north as Orlando!

 —A record number of students with special needs served this year, thanks to our teachers Kate, Ann, Naila and Nechama.  Considering it can be a struggle to get some of these kids out the apartment door, we are grateful to maintain such a loving and accepting community.

Asana Alphabet Yoga in the schools: NYC

Asana Alphabet Yoga in the schools: NYC

–The first half of the year found kindergarten students at PS 20 in NYC receiving complementary yoga classes thrice per week thanks to our numerous volunteer teachers.

–Several of our senior teachers had newborns themselves–we are happy to have such enlightened moms in this world.  Congrats Kate, Kate, Denis and Kenzie!

–Asana Alphabet’s founder, Ann, was asked to speak at New Jersey Educator’s Association this fall, thanks to the proposal-writing skills of Sue.

Our first time to volunteer for Camp Clio, a summer camp devoted to children who have been adopted.  Wow! We really loved this place and the counselors and campers were so much fun to dance with.  Thanks Sandy and Pete!


Teen yoga in Princeton, NJ has hit a record high as well with a wait list of 25 students to get into this class.  Many of those who got into class claim that yoga helps them to be energized through out the day and sleep better at night.

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Now to make that list of goals for 2014trainings in NYC in March, yoga retreats abroad and much more yoga for underserved youth…stay tuned.